
1919 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006
+1 202 862 2200

For more than 40 years, Cadwalader's presence in Washington, D.C., has provided quality legal services to financial and regulatory market participants. From here, we advise clients worldwide on antitrust, capital markets, corporate, financial restructuring, fund finance, intellectual property litigation, government investigations and enforcement, regulation and compliance, tax and white collar matters. Our notable bench includes attorneys who have held key positions with the federal and state government.


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43 Attorneys

Avergun, Jodi L. Senior Counsel T. +1 202 862 2456
Barnes, Cheryl D. Partner T. +1 202 862 2340
Bergman, Ken Associate T. +1 202 862 2299
Borgeson, Kathryn M. Partner T. +1 202 862 2384
Bullington, Anne Marie Associate T. +1 202 862 2225
Carroll, James P. Senior Counsel T. +1 704 348 5116
Clark, Jeffrey D. Partner T. +1 202 862 2330
Cuthbertson, Sophie K. Partner T. +1 202 862 2341
de Wet, Johan Associate T. +1 202 862 2377
Ellenberg, Mark C. Consulting Attorney T. +1 202 862 2238
Gansler, Douglas Partner T. +1 202 862 2300
Gilmer, Keyes Associate T. +1 202 862 2433
Gonzalez, Michael Special Counsel T. +1 202 862 2242
Gorman Shults, Elizabeth Associate T. +1 212 504 6437
Grinberg, Sasha Counsel T. +1 212 504 5642
Howard, J.B. Counsel T. +1 (202) 862-2409
Howe, Mark P. Partner T. +1 202 862 2236
Jeffs, Anthony Associate T. +1 202 862 2276
Jubin, Gregg Partner T. +1 202 862 2485
Kaufman, Hannah Associate T. +1 202 862 2337
Khinda, Philip S. Partner T. +1 212 504 6691
Kyong, Anya Senior Attorney T. +1 202 862 2275
Langsdale, Gregory W. Partner T. +1 202 862 2267
Larson, Christian Special Counsel T. +1 202 862 2402
Malyshev, Peter Y. Partner T. +1 202 862 2474
Mathews, Kyle Staff Attorney T. +1 202 862 2378
McAhren, Kristen Counsel T. +1 202 862 2241
Moritzky, Sager Associate T. +1 202 862 2272
O’Malley, Kaitlyn Associate T. +1 202 862 2325
Porter, Damon R. Associate T. +1 (202) 862-2205
Rodriguez, Paul Associate T. +1 202 862 2270
Sayyed, Bilal Counsel T. +1 202 862 2417
Skutch, Sara Associate T. +1 202 862 2460
Stackhouse, M. Chadwick Partner T. +1 202 862 2494
Stewart, Mary-Carter Associate T. +1 212 504 6426
Tompkins, Anne M. Partner T. +1 704 348 5222
Tunstall, Mercedes Kelley Partner T. +1 202 862 2266
von Pelser Berensberg, Philipp Associate T. +1 202 862 2286
Wallach, Brian Partner T. +1 202 862 2332
Weinstein, Martin J. Partner T. +1 202 862 2288
Wells, Emily Associate T. +1 (202) 862-2472
White, Hunter A. Counsel T. +1 202 862 2269
Wunderli, Nathan Associate T. +1 202 862 2218