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October 24, 2018
An excerpt from "Trump is Signing the Opioid Bill, Now What?," Bloomberg Law, October 24, 2018:
The HHS will be busy working closely with pharmacists to help decide when they can decline to fill controlled substance prescriptions — like when they’re suspected of being fraudulent or forged. That’s thanks to a little-talked-about section of the opioid package, Section 3212.
That section is likely to cause controversy among patient advocacy groups who might see it as a threat to patient access to necessary drugs, according to Jodi Avergun, a lawyer at Cadwalader and the former chief of staff at the DEA from 2005 to 2006.
And don’t expect the lawsuits claiming opioid manufacturers are liable for damages from the crisis to go away any time soon, Avergun said.
“Lawsuits are certainly the way to get the attention of industry,” she said. “I expect to see more individual officers and directors of companies sued."