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Joseph W. Beach will speak on the panel "Middle Market CLOs."
Neil J. Weidner will speak on the panel "Sector Watch: Emerging Products in the CLO Sector."
IMN will once again host the premier event for the CLO Sector April 22-23, 2014, in New York City. This year's program will feature extensive coverage on outlook for issuance in 2014, structural and legal considerations, relative value from a research analyst and investor perspective, the role of CLOs in commercial real estate finance, leveraged loan performance and analysis, ratings methodology for CLOs, and more. The conference will serve as a forum for meaningful dialogue to address concerns regarding this dynamic segment of the market. IMN's Investors' Conference on CLOs and Leveraged Loans gathers together the best minds in the industry to provide you with thought-leadership on the key challenges and opportunities facing the CLO market.