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Bradley Small is Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft’s Managing Attorney. Bradley sets the strategic direction for the Managing Attorney’s Office, a litigation support department that provides docketing, calendaring and filing services, research, and analysis to the firm’s litigation attorneys and staff on procedural issues to assist with compliance with court rules and other attorney obligations. Bradley provides strategic advice to the firm’s attorneys and management on a broad range of risk management issues to assist with compliance with ethical and legal obligations.
Bradley serves as the primary point of contact between the firm’s attorneys and the courts. His team is responsible for the filing of all court documents; reviewing court papers prior to filing for compliance with court rules and statutes, including judges’ individual rules and statutes; maintaining a centralized docket/calendar system, including calculating future deadlines, for all litigation matters in the New York, Charlotte and Washington, D.C., offices; and creating policies and procedures to minimize the risk of missed deadlines.
Bradley is admitted to practice in New York, New Jersey, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. He also is a member of the National Docketing Association and Managing Attorneys and Clerks Association.