Given the current state of the market and many prognosticators writing about impending distress and doom and gloom, I thought it would be appropriate to dust off the topic of forbearance agreements.

Nearly 40% of global carbon dioxide emissions come from the real estate sector. With the rising focus on carbon emissions reduction and improving energy efficiency, it was inevitable that the UK government would turn to Energy Performance Certificate improvements as a vital element in achieving the goal of “net zero” by 2050.

Having covered how to prepare for an enforcement in Part 1 and stressed the importance of valuation evidence in enforcements in Part 2, the focus of our mini-series now turns to implementing the enforcement.

In this month’s edition of REF News and Views, we are going to continue our series on the National Security and Investment Act 2021 and explore the sanctions under the NSI Act for non-compliance.
Cadwalader partner Chris Dickson and special counsel Molly Lovedale were named to the "On the Rise" honoree list at last week's 2023 ALM Southeastern Legal Awards in Atlanta.