A recent case addressed landlords’ refusal to accept Section 8 vouchers. The issue before the Court in People v. Commons W. was whether New York’s source of income antidiscrimination statute violates the Fourth Amendment.
A recent case addressed landlords’ refusal to accept Section 8 vouchers. The issue before the Court in People v. Commons W. was whether New York’s source of income antidiscrimination statute violates the Fourth Amendment.
The enactment of the Building Safety Act 2022 in the United Kingdom brings about significant changes to building safety regulations. While the Act primarily aims to enhance building safety standards, it also introduces various new challenges for lenders who finance construction projects. Lenders may now face additional responsibilities, liabilities, and considerations to ensure compliance with the new legislation.
We have a final answer to the question of whether a term loan is a security. The Second Circuit Court of Appeals recently affirmed the District Court’s decision in the Kirschner Case that a term loan is not a security.