Holiday Giving

This holiday season, Cadwalader participated in several charitable initiatives, offering employees a variety of opportunities to help make the holiday season a little brighter for those in need. One such opportunity was the annual toy drive led by our Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI) to benefit What About the Children and the Fox House in New York, the Salvation Army Angel Tree Program in North Carolina, and East London Business Alliance in the UK. In New York, members of the WLI spent a fun-filled afternoon together wrapping the toys before they were delivered to the charities for distribution.

Employees (and friends and family) also had the opportunity to participate in the firm’s second annual “CWT Race Against Hunger” – an opportunity to run, walk or bike to support hunger-relief efforts. Donations from the Race will benefit Food Bank For New York City (NY), Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina (NC), Martha’s Table (DC) and First Love Foundation’s Tower Hamlets Foodbank (UK).

In addition, our WLI and Cadwalader LGBTQ Affinity Network (CLN) hosted a joint clothing donation drive in support of Dress For Success in New York and The Hoboken Shelter in New Jersey. Our Washington, DC and London offices hosted clothing drives for A Wider Circle and Dress for Success Greater London, respectively.

Key Contacts

Aisha Greene
Chief Attorney Development and Inclusion Officer

Annie Mohan
Senior Manager, Pro Bono and CSR

CSR @Cadwalader

Pro Bono @Cadwalader


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