London Office Hosts Girls in Finance

For a second year in a row, the Women’s Network in our London Office hosted Girls in Finance, a workshop developed by Cadwalader attorneys to teach high school students about careers in finance. High school students from the Eden School met Cadwalader attorneys and Firm clients to learn about basic finance principles and gain insights into their backgrounds and careers. Here are some photos from the event.

Girls in Finance is a program started by the Cadwalader Women’s Leadership Initiative in 2016 in our New York office. Since that time, we have offered it in all of our offices to nearly 500 high school students.

Congratulations to the program organizers for continuing a wonderful program that is committed to diversity in our industry.

Key Contacts

Aisha Greene
Chief Attorney Development and Inclusion Officer

Annie Mohan
Senior Manager, Pro Bono and CSR

CSR @Cadwalader

Pro Bono @Cadwalader


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