9/11 National Day of Service

In honor of the first responders and civilians lost on September 11, 2001, the Firm joined Bank of America in NY and DC for the Bank’s annual Wills for Heroes event. In NY, attorneys from Cadwalader and O’Melveny teamed up with Bank volunteers to assist low-income New Yorkers referred by Volunteers of Legal Service, with drafting and executing their life planning documents. In DC, attorneys from Bradley Arant and Cadwalader worked with Bank volunteers to draft life planning documents for clients referred by the D.C. Bar Pro Bono Center.

It was an impactful afternoon for both the volunteers and clients served. For photos from the event, please click here.

Key Contacts

Aisha Greene
Chief Attorney Development and Inclusion Officer

Annie Mohan
Senior Manager, Pro Bono and CSR

CSR @Cadwalader

Pro Bono @Cadwalader


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