June 14, 2024

Image: Linda Swartz

Each year, the Firm hosts a variety of activities to commemorate Earth Day, which is celebrated annually on April 22.

This year’s signature project was a Firm-wide denim drive to support Blue Jeans Go Green, a jeans material recycling program. At the conclusion of the drive, all used denim donations were shipped to Blue Jeans Go Green to be transformed into creative new products, from insulating material for building efforts to pet bed inserts to thermal insulation used in sustainable food and pharmaceutical packaging.

A highlight of our Earth Day activities is the annual Earth Day Photo contest, open to all Cadwalader employees and their immediate family members. Photos submitted capture and celebrate the beauty of our planet and all its wonders.

To see all of the snapshots submitted this year, please click here.


In early June, our summer associates participated in volunteer events across all of our U.S. offices as part of the Firm’s commitment to fighting food insecurity in our communities.

Our Charlotte summer associates dedicated their time to serving hot meals to the hundreds of clients served by Roof Above men’s shelter.

In New York, our summer associates spent a morning working on an urban farm in Brooklyn operated by The Campaign Against Hunger, one of the largest hunger relief agencies in NYC.

Summer associates in our Washington, D.C. office spent an afternoon at Martha’s Table in Southeast D.C. helping to set up and operate the grocery market for clients served by the organization.

Click here to view photos.

The Firm is extremely proud of Washington, D.C. associates Sager Moritzky and Anne Marie Bullington, who under the supervision of partner Greg Langsdale, obtained U Nonimmigrant Status in the United States for a pro bono client, Ms. P. The Firm’s representation of Ms. P began in July of 2016.

Over the past eight years, both current and former associates worked to help our client attain legal relief. The client came to America in 2003 due to escalating violence and drug cartel-related activity in her home country of Mexico. When she was just 11, the cartel broke into her home in an attempt to mark the home and her family. From that moment on, she was forced to relocate to the United States where her hardships continued. As a single mother, she worked tirelessly to support her four children, but tragically also suffered through crimes of trafficking, forced labor, involuntary servitude, and sexual battery in the work place. Ms. P’s strong will allowed her to stand up to her offenders, assisting law enforcement in a criminal investigation and prosecution. Her invaluable cooperation allowed her to apply for and finally receive U Nonimmigrant Status. Ms. P will be able to apply for adjustment of status to become a lawful permanent resident in three years.

Ms. P expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the Cadwalader team for years of support. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

In celebration of Pride Month, Cadwalader will be hosting a Civil Rights Series program featuring a conversation with Philip Calabro, Safe Schools Program Facilitator, PFLAG NYC. Philip will discuss the importance of allyship and fostering support for the LGBTQ+ community. To register, please click here.

Thank you to the Cadwalader LGBTQ Network leaders for their work in organizing activities throughout the month.

Key Contacts

Aisha Greene
Chief Attorney Development and Inclusion Officer

Annie Mohan
Senior Manager, Pro Bono and CSR

CSR @Cadwalader

Pro Bono @Cadwalader


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